
Money-saving advice, how-to guides, explainer features and more to help all drivers get the best from their motoring.

What are green number plates and which cars can use them?

An increasing number of cars are fitted with registration plates with a green flash. We explain the rules around green number plates.

Which lane should you use on an unmarked roundabout?

How do you know which lane to use when driving across an unmarked roundabout in the UK? Our advice will prevent you going round in circles.

The Highway Code rules you may not know

From driving too slowly to furious cycling (yes, really), these are some of the Highway Code rules you may have inadvertently broken.

How to claim compensation for pothole damage to your car

If your car has been damaged by a pothole,you may be able to claim financial compensation. Our guide explains the process.

How to save money on parking your car

From using a price comparison website to renting a driveway, our guide will save you money and stress when it comes to car parking.

How to drive safely in strong winds

Strong winds and hazardous driving conditions are forecast for the UK today. Follow our advice to stay safe behind the wheel.