
Which towns have free parking this Christmas?

With the high street hit hard by the pandemic, many UK towns and cities are offering free parking this Christmas. We list all the locations.

UK residents reveal frustration at drivers who park outside their house

Research shows that 60 percent of motorists believe they have a legal right to park outside their home. Some even confront other motorists.

Council parking fine revenue plunges due to lockdown

Information from 20 of the largest UK cities, plus 23 London boroughs, shows a substantial fall in parking revenue across the UK.

Revealed: the cities with the world’s most expensive car parking

A new study of 65 cities reveals the world's most expensive parking. You'll need to dig deep to park your car in New York, Boston, Sydney and London.

These are the UK’s safest – and least safe – car parks

Using analysis of 200 of the UK's busiest car parks, we can reveal the safest and least safe places to park your car. In short: park in Exeter, Devon.

UK-wide pavement parking ban is being considered

The Department of Transport has suggested that car parking on pavements could be banned in the UK, pending a consultation.

Parking prangs cost UK motorists £1.5 billion a year

Parking can be unexpectedly expensive, as new research reveals. Indeed, UK drivers are shelling out a cool £1.5 billion a year to repair parking damage.

Mercedes-Benz drivers can pay for parking via their dashboard

Parkopedia and EasyPark have teamed up to allow Mercedes-Benz drivers in Germany to pay for their parking via the dashboard.

BP customers ‘stay too long’, get £100 parking charge

Highway robbery? An unexpected cost facing UK drivers is the maximum-stay parking fine. Now petrol forecourt retailers are getting in on the action.

One in four have misused a parent parking bay

Research reveals that parent and child parking bays are widely misused. And the problem is far worse in some areas than others.